Providing Quality Continuing Education for Radiologic Professionals since 1991

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Picture of Human Trafficking - Online Test Only
Manufacturer part number: R272v2ONLINE

Human Trafficking

2.5 Category A Credits.
Instructional Videos:

This course covers provides an overview of human trafficking, describes its clinical manifestations, and offers guidance for health care professionals regarding identification, assessment, care, and folow-up.

No matter which type of Human Trafficking course you purchase, (complete course, download test, fax or online) you can take your test through our on-line testing site.

If you order any of the "Test Only" options, it DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BOOK.

Structured Education / CQR - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Patient Care Patient Interactions & Mgmt - 1 credit