Providing Quality Continuing Education for Radiologic Professionals since 1991

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Picture of Anatomy for the Radiologic Professional - TEST ONLY

Anatomy for the Radiologic Professional

24 Category A Credits.
Instructional Videos:

Manufacturer: Random House

Anatomy for the Radiologic Professional gives you a clear and concise understanding of anatomy. The course textbook, Anatomy Coloring Workbook, encourages you to use colored pens or pencils to color the anatomic structures throughout the book. Although coloring the structures is not necessary in order to complete the course, the author claims that the coloring process helps to thoroughly fix anatomical concepts in your mind.

No matter which type of anatomy for the radiologic professional course you purchase, (complete course, download test, fax or online) you can take your test through our on-line testing site.

If you order any of the "Test Only" options, it DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BOOK.

Structured Education / CQR - Bone Densitometry - BD Procedures DXA Scanning - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR- Cardiac-Interventional Radiography - CI Procedures Diagnostic & Conduction Sys. Studies - 2.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Head, Spine & Musculoskeletal - 14 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Neck & Chest - 3.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Abdomen & Pelvis - 5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Abdomen - 4 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures 1st Trimester Obstetrics - .5 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures 2nd & 3rd Trimester & High Risk Obstetrics - .5 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Gynecological Structures - .5 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Sonography - SON Procedures Superficial Structures & other Procedures - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Procedures Vascular Diagnostic - 3.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Procedures Vascular Interventional - 1.75 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular-Interventional Radiography - VI Procedures Nonvascular - 2.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Abdominal/Pelvic Vasculature - 3.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Arterial Peripheral Vasculature - 1.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Venous Peripheral Vasculature - 1.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Vascular Sonography - VS Procedures Extracranial Cerebral Vasculature & Other - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR- Breast Sonography - BS Procedures Anatomy & Physiology - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Mammography - MAM Procedures Anatomy Physiology & Pathology - 3 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Safety Radiation Physics, Radiobiology & Regulations - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Procedures Cardiac - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Procedures Endocrine & Oncology - 2.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Procedures Gastrointestinal & Genitourinary - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Nuclear Medicine Technologist - NMT Procedures Other - 1 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Safety Patient Safety, Radiation Protection & Eqpt. Operation - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Abdominal - 4 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Thoracic - 4 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Musculoskeletal & Endocrine - 8 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Registered Radiologist Assistant - RA Procedures Neuro, Vascular, Lymphatic - 8.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Safety Radiation Prot, Equip Oper & QA - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Procedures Treatment Sites & Tumors - 7 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Procedures Treatment Volume & Localization - 2.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiation Therapy - THR Procedures Treatments - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Safety Radiation Physics & Radiobiology - .25 credit
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Head, Spine & Pelvis - 8.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Thorax & Abdomen - 8.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Radiography - RAD Procedures Extremities - 6 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Procedures Neuro - 8.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Procedures Body - 8.25 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI Procedures Musculoskeletal - 6 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Bone Densitometry - BD Procedures DXA Scanning - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR- Breast Sonography - BS Procedures Anatomy & Physiology - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR- Cardiac-Interventional Radiography - CI Procedures Diagnostic & Conduction System Studies - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR- Cardiac-Interventional Radiography - CI Procedures Diagnostic & Conduction System Studies - 2 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Head, Spine, Musculoskeletal - 14 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Neck & Chest - 3.5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Computed Tomography - CT Procedures Abdomen & Pelvis - 5 credits
Structured Education / CQR - Proton Therapy - PTH Procedures Treatment Sites - 7 credits